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The Downs Primary School & Nursery

The Downs Primary School & Nursery

Classes and Curriculum

The National Curriculum contributes to a coherent national framework that promotes curriculum continuity and is sufficiently flexible to ensure progression in pupils' learning. It facilitates the transition of pupils between schools and phases of education and provides a foundation for lifelong learning. (NC 2014)

Target setting and assessment of children’s progress in their learning

Each teacher will set end of year targets for the children in their class by week 6 of the new academic year. Each child will have a target for reading, writing and maths and a combined target.

For children in Years 1-6 the school formally assess children’s learning and their progress three times a year, this is always in the second week of each second half term. We do this by setting a test and then using the test, their class books and teacher’s professional judgement to assess their level of achievement. The tests will be in maths, reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling. All writing will be assessed by the class teacher and each child will be expected to have two pieces of writing in their independent writing books each half term.

The Senior Leadership Team will then meet with each teacher every term to discuss each child’s progress and what additional support the teachers are putting in place, especially if a child is not making as much progress as we think they need to realise their potential.

The governors of our school also review the targets set and the termly data, which shows the children across the school anonymously and this is discussed at governor meetings.


Children in Year 2 and Year 6 will undergo further test practise as required.

Children in Year 1 will practise phonics words and be tested on both real and pseudo words.

Children in Year 1 will not complete a formal test paper in Autumn Term. Children who are not performing at age related expectations will be given an assessment appropriate to their level.


Writing is moderated both internally and externally termly. SLT moderate curriculum, independent writing and maths books termly. The maths and English leads moderate the analysis of test papers and use this information to plan further staff training.

Assessment without levels

At The Downs we are using our school management system (SMS) to track our children in all areas of development including their achievements, behaviour and assessment. This SMS is called SIMS.

In each year from 1-6 children will be assessed against the National Curriculum Programmes of Study (NC POS) and will be given a teacher judgement three times a year.

The judgements are emerging, developing, secure and mastery. It is expected that in Autumn Term children will be, on average, emerging, in Spring Term developing and in Summer Term secure. A few children might meet the Mastery standard and some children might be working below the secure level by the end of the year. For children working below expectations we strive to put in interventions and support so that they can achieve as highly as possible. All children are expected to make progress from their starting points and this is the focus of Pupil Progress Meetings (PPM).

Reporting to parents

During parents meetings and at the end of the academic year children’s level of achievement in all three areas (reading, writing and maths is reported to parents.

Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of our Nursery and both Reception classes. Each teacher will set end of year targets for the children in their class by week 6 of the new academic year and Nursery children by 6 weeks of starting. We use Tapestry to record the children’s achievements and three times a year we record their progress and assessment level on SIMS. Children’s progress is assessed through observations and interactions that take place in the classes and also learning that takes place at home and is uploaded on Tapestry.

At the end of Reception we assess, and then report to parents, each child’s outcomes against the Early Learning Goals. For each of the 17 Early Learning Goals, we will assess if each child is working at the expected level, exceeds the level or is currently emerging for the Early Learning Goal.